Spring in the Trailer Park
Friday, May 8, 2009
Spring is in the trailer park! The bees are buzzing, you can hear lawn mowers working hard to trim back the abundance of dandelions, and the trees have leafed out in all their green glory.
The lilac at lot #7 is now in full bloom, nearly engulfing the far end of the trailer. The happy homemakers in lots 9 and 10 wish their neighbor were not quite so reclusive so they could have a relationship that permitted freedom to gather said blossoms.
Pothole #32C has swelled due to the recent spring rains. It is now advisable when passing lot #11 to swerve to the far left and then around #'s 47-53 in front of Lo t#4 (otherwise known as The Rockies).
The notorious snake at #10 has been eliminated. Get the full scoop on this slithering tail HERE.
Bonfire Season has begun at lot #9! If you see, hear or smell a fire - don't call the volunteer fire department! Instead, come on over and pull of a chair. You may be just in time for a round of "tellephone" or "behind the looking glass door". Remember, there is wood but no logs...
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