Unexpected Power Outage
Monday, May 11, 2009
The power went out in the trailer park from about 5am to just before 8am this morning.
One would think this would be a quiet, convenient time of day for the power to go out- what with everyone sleeping calmly, yet the daylight already seeping over the eastern horizon negating the need for artificial light. Unfortunately such was not the case. Us trailerites need electricity same as the rest of the world - even in our sleep. See, the temps are still in the 30's at night so most of the coal stoves are still running in the park. A sudden cessation of all fans, blowers and other appliances is enough to wake one out of a dead sleep. It also messed up this reporter's internet connection, delaying the unveiling of our new blog till Lakeview News' Web Designer and all-around Maintenance Man fixed the connection on his lunch break. The guy never stops working. All clocks have been reset, however, and life is once again moving along like a gentle spring breeze here in the park...
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